Youssef Rabbaoui - Filmographie  



Yolo arrives in Berlin full of expectations just to visit Beate who he meets in France five years ago, and to give her a bird of paradise as a present.

However they don’t get to meet each other and so Yolo discovers Berlin on his own

Yolo story is journey of initiations, poetic, philosophical, messianic studded with marvel, disenchantments and surpassing one of self before the vertigo of unknown!

This story is born out the attempt the catch the fixing of the vertigo and is becomes a memory tattooed onto every striding space on Berlin, on her heart, on the heart of this witch-Berlin…

O! You! The lovers, the poets, the itinerants and aesthetics idlers! The is an iconoclastic tattoo on Berlin’s flank…

If you manage to decipher it den you are blessed by the grace of the skies…

To your amulets
To your devotions
To your talismans

Hic rods, hic Salta!

Alle Filme auf einen Blick

Yolo, 2003: (18mn Short film)
VisualCV 2004 (Short film)
Déracinement 2004 (Short film)
Homezone:2005 (Short film)
Step by step:2007(Short film )


"Homezone" is a film about and with teenagers in Wedding, Berlin. Acted by locals from an ethnically mixed working class area in the heart of Berlin. Just a few blocks away from the central government buildings. Ordinary youths living their lives of quiet desperation, bored and trapped in the only environment they know. A short and poignant story about young people without a history.

Step by step:

Still und leise setzen zwei ältere türkische Damen im Weddinger Park Humboldthain eine ‚kleine Revolution’ in Gang. Bis auf die Niketurnschuhe, traditionell konservativ gekleidet und verschleiert, nehmen sie sich die Freiheit den morgendlichen Park für ihr persönliches Fitnessprogramm einzunehmen. Immer mehr türkische Frauen fühlen sich ermutigt und folgen ihrem Beispiel. Aber auch andere Frauen aus angrenzenden Bezirken gestalten diese Metamorphose Schritt für Schritt mit und der Park, davor eher nur genutzt von Hundebesitzern und Drogendealern, erhält eine neue Eigenschaft: Weiblichkeit


Visual CV:


In this Visual CV I tried to outline some significant historical event and some influential intellectuals, artists, or literary personalities Evidently its matter only of some selected reference for only one minute! Of course there were other important events until now!! So we can see:

  1. Rosa Luxemburg
  2. Andreas-Lou-Salomé, Nietzsche, Paul Rée
  3. Martin Luther King
  4. Martin Luther King et Joan Baez
  5. Joan Baez et Bob Dylan
  6. Guerre du Vietnam
  7. Frantz Fanon
  8. Myriam Makeba
  9. Antonin Artaud
  10. Jean-Paul Sartre
  11. Angela Davis et Jean Genet
  12. Nelson Mandela
  13. Image historiquement célèbre de la guerre du Vietnam
  14. Ché Guevara
  15. Le massacre de jeunes Lycéens dans un Etat américain qui se sont soulevés contre la guerre du Vietnam
  16. Herbert Marcuse
  17.  Hardenbergplatz.(Berlin)
  18. Rudi Dutschke
  19. The Beatles
  20. Yello summery
  21. Mumia Abou Jamal
  22. Mercedes de Sosa